



Ellie東京女性20代・10-15 16:38

one way or another, ads are a free way you can cotbniture money to youtube. Buying an mp3 you have to pay out of pocket for the product. But I like the idea of meshing an online store into youtube. I have friends on youtube that have a cafepress store for example. It makes it more convienent for them. I think youtube is getting more respect in a way that people like Michael Buckley can make a decent living off of just making silly videos online.

Elida東京女性20代・10-15 16:38

If others want to post the videos to other sites, or make critiques like the one Phinephas posted, I will keep putting links here to them all. Just keep me upaated.Mdybe some big web site will take a look at this and find it worthy of spreading around.

Nelly東京男性20代・10-15 16:38

DENETÄ°CÄ°NÄ°N SORUMLULUÄžU:Hiç bir kat maliki Yönetici veya denetici olmaya zorlanamaz. Denetçiler kat malikleri kuruluna karşı aynen bir vekil gibi sorumludur. Denetim kurulu kararlarında birlikte hareket etmek zorundadır. Denetçi vefat ederse veya istifa ederse kat malikleri kurulu olaÄŸanüstü toplantıya çaÄŸrılır ve usulüne uygun olarak yeni denetici seçilir.Halen sitemizin bir yönetim planı bu;&8mamaktadıru#n230;&#8230l….!

Unity東京女性20代・10-15 16:37

In his book "The true bevlieer", the self-educated American philosopher Eric Hoffer in 1951 already wrote extensively about the behaviour and psychological source from which revolutionaries derive their violent desire to topple whatever they are against and the ruthlesness of their actions to obtain their idiological goal. His book is available via Amazon.com and very worthwhile to read! Gives one an excellent insight what makes both left- and right-wing extremists tick.

Joan東京女性20代・10-15 16:36

dove | (16:33) Mamou verro lokola otie mutu makasi nasepiyo 48heures otika site oyo soki otie tembe okomona pe okolapa na vie nayo kofinga batu dans 48heures quite ce site svp.

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