



Bardo東京女性20代・02-08 18:20

Osea como hemos iniciado muchas veces digamos son como teselas y es mas probable que salgamos elegidos? Oh dios! @cipacdelhan:) Como hagan algo asi me muero es que dios! Quiero saber cuanto antes todo , pero no pasa nada todavia, no nos dejaran asi verdad? Que nervios! District 6 :)

Della東京女性20代・02-08 18:20

about &##t02;Res2less&88221; almost being bland. I absolutely love te song, it has some of the best lyrics yet, but the verses get boring after a while. The same two chords over and over again, then repeated in the chorus… Just gets kinda old. Musically, I’d say it’s an “ok” song. Lyrically, however, it *almost* tops Only Hope. By the way, did anyone see that video that Hello Somebody posted on their Facebook page with Jon?

Ethica東京女性20代・02-08 18:19

21 november 2012 nu krijg ik je becjrhtie op deze manier kun je een persoon een reactie terug geven maar als je het niet weet is het jammer  

Kaiden東京女性20代・02-08 18:19

Thanks a lot for your kind sentiments Freddy. Happy New Year to you too! I am so looking forward to reading many more of your posts in 2012. You are an inprisation to me. I do not always agree with you but I find you very engaging. You hold back nothing and you speak from the heart. You avoid arrogance in your comment; even when you are responding to a rude atheist. Keep up the good work. God bless.

Blaze東京女性20代・02-08 18:13

Nu ajung parlamentarii dupa ce si-au cheltuit banii 3e38si talpile in campanie, la alegeri anticipate, fiti serios.Vor insa sa ajunga la suspendare. N-au decat! In locul lui TB m-as risca si cu a 3-a suspendare, sa vedem, daca mai sunt tot atatia INCONSTIENTI cati au fost in vara in parlament, sa voteze suocpndarea.Jseul e loose-loose pt USL. Asa-l vad eu.

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